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Our rain still goes on. it is making up for our last two months I guess. I have just got up & I hope to send this letter off to day. Ma

Stoughton June 9th 1935

Dear Folks 

We are having a rainy day. the rain comes down in torrents every once in a while. this is good for vegetables & gardens of all kinds. Mrs. Barry wore my rain coat to church and had a ride home. when she got home at one we had our dinner. it was lamb broth & apple pie with rhubarb cut up to make it more tastey. it was very good & the peas Bureta Marden gave her. so it did not require much labor to get. I put in the potatoes & she the onions carrots & cooked the meat & got it off the bones the day before. she brought the peppers home from Baretas also. she dont want me to work & I dont have to & we get along fine. she takes pride in keeping the floors clean washes them up three times during the week & stone never looked so well. is a good cook & also very neat. tries to please me in every way & says she is very fond of me & is perfectly at home here & thinks every thing is lovely. likes Stoughton much better than Holbrook & is fond of Marshal. she came home from church with the Beaches & Mrs Perbeek again this Sunday. who come over here from Holbrook to hear him preach. he gave up that church & now has North Boston and Stoughton a hard working minister & is liked very much.