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PS The Bells brought her home at 1 o'clock.  folks that took her furniture they sent me some little cakes frosted.  they are going to sometime take me over to see their home + see how it looks after they got her stuff in it.  tickled to death.  they are poor.  she says they are very good people.  this is a very cool sunny day.  I am up early.  she is getting breakfast.  Ma
Stoughton June 2nd 1935

Dear Folks

We had a lovely rain + it did lots of good.  my plants got a good wetting down in the right time.  it is a lovely cool day ideal.  Blanch Barry went to church today + the minister brought her home.  the one she used to know.  he used to preach in Holbrook + Mrs Perbeck was with him.  she knew Mrs. Barry + said I was a very nice lady + lived here within a stones throw of me.  Now I am here alone friends from Holbrook have come for her to go over there for a little ride to see her things they are keeping for her so in case she wants them ever + if anything happens to her, she has put in writing to give them to these people who have been true friends + offered her a home a thing her own sisters never have done.  she is going to bring over lots of food stuff here + a screen that fits into her window.  that bed in her room was not half put up.  it fell down once so yesterday when Sofer came to take off my storm windows, he pounded it down in place + now it is alright.  she feels safe to turn over in bed. Alice is very poorly.  she called me up Saturday + seemed to have a terrible cold, so she could not talk.  she was coughing so hard