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Ralph took me to the cemetery. we stopped for Lena he called for your flowers + got them at the Post Office they had not been delivered so he was lucky to call for them. I told him about them, that you were sending them + they had not arrived I met Arthur Talbot up there. he was very sociable talked there an hour or more. his housekeeper was with him. he said you know we are related. he says he will come up sometime so you see he is not put out. the flowers kept good that you sent. Maude was glad of them. she brought me some pink roses + pansies for my house. her lot had lots of flowers on it. the cemetery looked fine. Talbot liked our stone he said the lettering showed off + was well done. I said that was the beautiful part of the whole thing no rain yet drying up Ma

Stoughton May 29th 1935

Dear Folks.

We are having hot weather + no rain everything is drying up for the want of some. I am looking for rain as I have set out my plants the most of them yesterday + a good shower would do them lots of good. I have heard what sounds like distant thunder once or thrice. I am sitting out on the porch have just had my supper here all by my lonesome. Addie took her over to Holbrook + asked me to go also for the ride. we left her over there to pack up. we went in to see her dining room set + some other things. most of her things are stored with a friend. but the man who is buying the house is going to let her have one room free of rent to store things so she thinks she is lucky + thats what she is over there doing now. it may take her several days. this morning she sent off a book to be published if they accept it means to write another, she is good at it. that is what she was typing. most of it is a true romance she said. if they accept it she will make over a hundred + fifty dollars. she read it aloud. there being a murder in it she says it may sell. Mrs Marshal called up last night to ask her if she would sing a solo in the Episcipal church. they are to have the old folks quire there to sing + want her to sing + dance in a solo they say she is