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she hurt the nerve of her leg when she nocked her knee against the chair. It is much better but we were both worried about it Friday. She could just touch her toe to the floor + it pained her. Now it is much better. She was afraid it would mean her going to see Dr. Ott but now she feels she has got the best of it hence her going down town yesterday to the movies. She is a fussbudget if there ever was one + has so many remedies no one else has time to tend to their ailments but I have to laugh. She takes comfort in fussing over her hero. Well if she had some children she would be different her mind would not concentrate so much on herself. Poor Lena she is very kind hearted if she does make so much of every ailment. I have just washed up my backroom floors + got a pudding in for dinner. Pa would say "not a dammed thing cooked in the house". I am feeling much like I used to but am careful not to do too much at a time. I have kept my floors so far as she left them. I do wish there would some one take us to ride. I called up Donna yesterday. She said she had had grip feeling very poorly. They manage with his help, to do the work, to get along. He is not very well heart trouble two feeble ones. Such is life. We would all be better off to pass on things are not very encouraging but we have to carry on 'till our time comes. Well this is hoping you are all well + happy. Ma