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very welcome just the same everybody feel the same for it has been such a hard winter to be shut in with more than the usual amount of snow. I think people up north have not got rid of it yet by the feeling of the wind of yesterday NW all day.

I called up Maude yesterday she said they have named the baby Robert Leroy Blake, a name they wanted so it would not get mixed up with any other name. folks are getting along fine, she set up a little while day before yesterday. the baby looks like her children & is a good baby, it doesnt cry any to speak of. the mother seems to have lots of milk. she is going to have Hoeney come over to bring us to see it sometime. she is very proud of her little grand child. 

Lena is out working in the garden. when it is pleasant she cant stay in. we have a yellow, purple, lavender with white [[?]], also a white crocus. lots of snow drops and english violets, they are very sweet smelling violets. these in the house full our room with perfume & are very dark in colering. our yard is [[?]]