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Stoughton March 8th 1935
Dear Doris
This is a winter morning after a snowstorm which came during the night. covering the ground. it is still at it but hope it does'nt ammount to much, although it is Friday We are getting along pretty good. I got in my coal & oil yesterday while the ground was bare. not knowing what might come. as this storm was booked for today. now we are prepared for most anything. Lena goes down every day she enjoys it the movies are going to be on today its "David Copperfield" I never got interested in them. it is habit with her, as it is with others. but I was too stingy it costs money & I never spent money foolishly. she takes comfort in going down to the stores to see where she can get things the cheapest she got me a new shovel & coal hod. we had need of the hod as there was a hole in the bottom of both hods. she said the shovel was my birthdays present I hated to have her do it but it was done so what could I do. Lena does such foolish things now she wants her sland she types on the table is too high, so she will have to send & get it I am afraid. Kelley has not come yet we are looking for him now every day. I dont believe he will go