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it once but not now. the time was when I would just like the job. so much is going slack. by the way my kindlings came it was very hard work getting them in. he backed his truck three times before he could get his truck through the drift there where the [[?]] where they leaves it in the gutter no today it has thawed so it would be no trouble. I saw by the paper Hiram Belcher had come home from the hospital. he come hme to his daughters funeral (Helen) Belcher they both had cancers. she had a bad heart, they did not think she would live through the summer. she was an eater & so was he. she married an Owens his garage is on the corner of Central & Washington Streets his house on the opposite corner. I was here alone when they came with my kindlings so the man I dont know who he was but we talked a lot. I was finding out things it seemed good to have the information. he enjoyed it as well as I did it seemed. for when he went away he said "I will come again." Cary used to come with thm he said that he was in Boston. I can not get out so have to ask people I come in contact with to tell me what is going on. Lena takes the Herald & I the Brockton transcript so we manage by turning on the radio to get quite a bit of news. well she is going to carry our mail down to the corner box so I will close the letter up & it will go tomorrow sure. it does seem so good to have some one that is willing to do my errands as I need to have them so often. Ma
Now I will not have to depend on the postman so much [[?]] our [[?]]