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PS Little Dorris letter was very good and neatly done the Valentine is before me on the table it was very cute + pretty thanks very much. Ma

Stoughton March 5th 1935
Dear Folks
We are enjoying a warm spell. therefore our snow is slowly grow away. our door yard has till been deserted by our grocers + baker + the autos I think if my kindlings come they may drive up. the radio says warmer till tomorrow wind south + southeast but colder at night and rain tonight.
Do look out for this is a year for accidents there will be a third one maybe, but hope not. I hate to have you come up home for fear of running into some danger. so dont attempt it. things are going all right so trust to luck it wont pay for so short a time. Lena has got her things put away. she has the North chamber + closet. she also uses the closet & keeps the window open night & day but this weather I dont mind. I am entirely satisfied with the food she gets we both eat alike or nearly so. she gets cream cheese she extends it with milk it goes father + its better we pay eleven cents for a small package done up in tin foil. she brought home a dozen of the