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Stoughton March 1st [1935]

Dear Doris.

We have had three days of winter weather but it grew warmer last night & March has come in like a lamb this morning. I hope you are not worrying over me now. I am getting along nicely. Lina is in her elements we are getting along nicely Mrs Osborn had Bessie call me up to see if Lina came as she agreed & Bessies little one the youngest was taken to Boston hospital as a last resort she may not live to come home. & Dorothy the one who is married to Joe, is very bad with her teeth, just such a time as Sid went through with last winter only much worse she faints away & suffers terribly with a great big swelling which hangs down under her chin. she got cold & it settled there. her mother was worried & she could not get to them, so now she is nearer & if any thing happnes, can go there evenings they can consult her. she went right to work at the new place the next day (Thursday) so Bessie said. Lena has fixed my doors so they now shut. by taking off the clasps the doors have sagged so she took off & lowered where they could go into the holes so the thing on the door could go into them + stay closed. then she put a nail into the sink door where she could keep those pieces in place so that door would shut + then the pantry door wus [[?]] separating + that would not shut so she pounded