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Stoughton February 5th 1935 

Dear Folks. 

The sun is shining + not very cold radio says snow and colder tonight. we will  enjoy it 'till we get the change. I received your letter with the check today + have called up Mike to tell him about the check the same as I did before. but he is hard to raise. I am sorry you sent the check, it was up to me to do that when you sent the other one. Louie was here yesterday setting glass. he stayed most an hour talking with us. he has been having an awful time with            his teeth + at last has had them out. he looks much better than he did with them. you know his teeth were homely. they just spoilt his looks. we were woke up about three or four o'clock by the fire alarm for a fire on park Street some rubbish got on fire + filled the house with smoak they put it out + no damage done. Connie Sulivan said. he was here to