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[[first page]]


Dear Diary
Today we have ice-cream & cookie for dinner and supper desert. Daddy, Franklin and Robert Lee went to the [[?]] today. Shoes were rationed today. It was very muddy outside. I have finished 5 chap.'s in my story I am writing It's called "Shipwreck in the [[?]]".


Dear Diary
Today it was school. We had songs in the morning we are [[?]] to [[?]] it every morning. [[?]] was [[?]] again today. The men striped tobacco today. Dorthy was at school today. It was wet very cool outside today.

[[second page]]


Dear Diary,
Today it was school. It was warm today. The men cut wood today. We walked home today from the [[?]] highway. Kasie a great football player dies at the age of [[?]] today. The poem written about him is called, "Kasie at the Bat."


Dear Diary,
Today it was school. It was warm today. Harold Robinson, Russell Saccer, Timmy O'Conner, Donald Fry and [[?]] Myrs, where chasing Annette Tompson, Eleanor De Morr, Dorthy S, Evelyn Aliver, Evelyn G, and myself. The men [[?]] wood today.