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Dear Diary,

February 23

Grandpap's Birthday
Today it was school
Orien, Big Dipper + Little Dipper were out tonight. We got some more ice cream today. I took $32.50 to the bank [[?]] I got a box of girl scout cookies yesterday + one today. (2)

February 24

Today it was school. We got out at 1:00 o'clock It rained today about 4:30. Joe made tobacco beds. [[?]] and Uncle Joe helped Daddy to move someone in Brandywine Height. The [[?]] at [[?]] Park was [[?]] up. Daddy got by on the [[?]] road but a army truck did not. 

February 25

Today it was school. We got out at 1:00. It was cool today. The radio went bad tonight at 8:00 (early). The men did several things today one was saw wood. [[?]] Big + Little Dippers + Orione + out tonight.

February 26

Today it was school we got out at 1:00. It was warm today but about 9:20 it started snowing. Big + Little Dipper + Orione tonight. Mother put old battery in radio.