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March 19

It was school today. It rained today Daddy Franklin Robert Lee and me went to Waldorf and to the corner. Mother got 27 eggs today. Big and Little Dipper not out tonight.

March 20

Daddy and Franklin and Robert Lee went to Cheltemhan to get hair cut for tomorrow. Mother got 22 eggs today. Went to Aunt Maggies today to get uncle Ray's [[Comer?]],

March 21

Dear Diary,
Aunt Lucy + Uncle Charlie today for dinner. The wood man's sister and he husband. Bought more chickens.  Gave Autn Such eggs, butter, tomatoes, and the things. Cook in morning Snow in evening before Aunto Lucy and Uncle Charlie left. No Big Dipper or Orieon tonight. 

March 22

We did not go to school today because it was still snowing outside. I Love a Mystery came back on the radio tonight WJSV at 7:00 p.m. O'clock. Cool today. Movie and school today. Not Big or Little Dipper Tonight.