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[[strikethrough]]The NATIONAL SECURITY COMPANY executes bonds of every character, everywhere. By telegraph when necessary.[[/strikethrough]]

               [[strikethrough]]Sunday, June 23[[/strikethrough]]
[[strikethrough]]175 DAYS PAST[[/strikethrough]]   Sat. May 6, 1944      [[strikethrough]]191 DAYS TO COME[[/strikethrough]]
today the men work 
a half a day. They 
plow land and daddy 
two. we went to arther mister and
staid until night.

               [[strikethrough]]Monday, June 24[[/strikethrough]]
[[strikethrough]]176 DAYS PAST[[/strikethrough]]    Sun. May 7, 1944      [[strikethrough]]190 DAYS TO COME[[/strikethrough]]
Today we went to church and sunday
school we went 
to goods and 
from there home.

[[strikethrough]]See part two, list of attorneys in the United States, Canada and foreign cities.[[/strikethrough]] 

[[strikethrough]]The NATIONAL SURETY COMPANY executes bonds of every character, everywhere. By telegraph when necessary.[[/strikethrough]]

               [[strikethrough]]Saturday, June 29[[/strikethrough]]
[[strikethrough]]181 DAYS PAST[[/strikethrough]]    Mon. May 8, 1944      [[strikethrough]]186 DAYS TO COME[[/strikethrough]]
today we went to 
school morrice did 
not come up today
Joe and uncle Jim fix 
a fence. daddy
got his money from Earnshaw

              [[strikethrough]]Sunday, June 30[[/strikethrough]]
[[strikethrough]]182 DAYS PAST[[/strikethrough]]    tue May 9, 1944     [[strikethrough]]194 DAYS TO COME[[/strikethrough]]
today Mary went to school
by herself, daddy carry
tobaco to the market
and sold mine it
brought $89 and 28ยข. the
men work all day
some turkes hatch
some chicken

[[strikethrough]]See part two, list of attorneys in the United States, Canada and foreign cities.[[/strikethrough]]