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The NATIONAL SURETY COMPANY executes bonds of every character, everywhere. By telegraph when necessary. 

                 Sunday, August 18
231 DAYS PAST    tue. June 27, 1944    135 DAYS TO COME
today Emily and children came down. we took casen Lenie back home to maggys, and I took some plumbs to Mrs. [[strikethrough]] Emasshay [[/strikethrough]] Emarshaw and she put me on the parttor forse for nex year. 

                 Monday, August 19
232 DAYS PAST    wed., June 28, 1944   134 DAYS TO COME
today we got our tobaco land ready. Kate and Marie, daddy an me went out. Mrs. Emarshaw came for some blackberries.

See part two, list of attorneys in the United States, Canada and foreign cities. 

The NATIONAL SECURITY COMPANY executes bonds of every character, everywhere. By telegraph when necessary.

                 Tuesday, August 20
233 DAYS PAST     Jun. thu 29, 1944    133 DAYS TO COME
today we trash wheat a half a day mean cultivate corn.

                 Wednesday, August 21
234 DAYS PAST    Fir. Jun. 30, 1944    132 DAYS TO COME
today we trash wheat all day, perlly broke and we got it welded

See part two, list of attorneys in the United States, Canada and foreign cities.