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[[preprinted]] January 19 [[/preprinted]]
Rainy. Snow. Sleet all day.
Halling logs for 77A all day using tractor + truck. At night went to play on 77A then at school, we lost 20-40. after game we went to movies at Waldorf. "Binkie" got home 1145 at night.

[[preprinted]] January 20 [[/preprinted]]
fair day all day. got load of fodder before going to school. Mr Williams paid $20.00 for use of tractor 1 day to truck 2 days saw Judy at school she said she wouldn't be able to go out this week. worked on tobacco beds in afternoon.

[[preprinted]] January 19 - 1807--Robert E. Lee born in Virginia.
1809--Edgar Allen Poe born in Boston, Mass.
1848--Gold found in California, starting the "Gold Bush" of 1849.

January 20 - 1783--England acknowledged the independence of the U.S.
1902--King Edward of England and President Theodore Roosevelt exchanged their first wireless message.
1937--President F. D. Roosevelt inaugurated for his second term on this new Inauguration Day established by the 20th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. [[/preprinted]] [[/page 1]]]

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[[preprinted]] January 21 [[/preprinted]]
good day. Made 300 yards in tobacco beds today 3 10 x 10. carried them to store + called Judy up from dysons but she was at dentists. went to smiths 1/2 house later and called her up, and talked to her, said she had cold + could not go out this weekend. Mary Robert + I went to Waldorf to see "Print of Jokes" got home 9:45

[[preprinted]] January 22 [[/preprinted]]
good day, sunny + warm, Went over on Washington place to look where they were cutting timber. came home and I measured up "Kettle Spring" and where I am going to work. I took Mother and Mary over to see Aunt Grace and finaly got home 6:30

[[preprinted]] January 21 - 1824--"Stonewall" Jackson born in West Virginia.
1839--Great fire at Constantinople destroyed the "Subline Porte."
1887--Interstate Commerce Bill became law.
1908--France paid $1,600,000 to settle Panama Canal claims.

January 11 - 1788--Lord Byron born in London, England
1881--Cleopatra's Needle, Egyptian obelisk, arrived in N.Y.
1901--Edward VII succeeded to the throne of England. [[/preprinted]] [[/page 2]]