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[[preprinted]] February 8 [[/preprinted]]
Good day all day. Joe Norise + Jim worked. Robert and I did not go to school but stayed home to bale hay. baled 6 ton of hay. called Judy up at night. did my homework then went to bed, Van Brooks at night to pay for timber he cut.

[[preprinted]] February 9 [[/preprinted]]
Good day all day. 2 men worked today stripping tobacco. Robert + I went to school rainey in morning, saw Judy at school, and also called Judy up at night, Van Brooks for Hay.

February 8 - 1587--Mary Queen of Scots executed in England.
1904--Russo-Japanese War Began with first hostilities.
1910--Boy Scouts of America incorporated.

February 9 - 1870--U. S. Weather Bureau established by Congress
1939--Pope Pius XI died in Vatican City.
1946--Stalin announced new five-year plan for U.S.S.R. [[/preprinted]] [[/page 1]]

[[preprinted]] February 10 [[/preprinted]]
* fair day, raining some of the time. Norise and Joe striped tobacco all day. got new canvas from Sears 14 x 16: took Judy to the dance at school at night. got home 1 o clock

[[preprinted]] February 11 [[/preprinted]]
Good sunny day all day, men striped tobacco.
Daddy and I graded road. daddy and I went to Waldorf to Md. Rob and got grass seed 200 lbs Kolb $28.00. called Judy up at night, got car greased and oil changed.

February 10 - 1763--Treaty of Paris ended French and Indian War; Canada ceded by France to England.
1814--Daniel Boone awarded 10,000 acres of land by Congress.
1835--Gas first used for illumination in Philadelphia

February 11 - 1847--Thomas A. Edison born in Milan, Ohio.
1889--Bill approved to create U.S. Dept. of Agriculture.
1892--U. S. millers gave 4,500,000 lbs. of flour to Russian peasants. [[/preprinted]] [[/page 2]]