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[[2 pages]] [[page 1]]
[[preprinted]] February 28 [[/preprinted]]
Good day all day, Robert and I stayed home to bale hay. Mary went to work as usually, windy in the afternoon & paper man came to collect for paper. Brooks for 2 ton of hay, hailing at night. Called Judy up at night, did homework and then went to bed.
[[preprinted]] February 29 (Leap Years Only) [[/preprinted]]
[[strikethrough]] Good day all day. Robert and I went to school. I started doing my ?? land all day. working. This year, 1 1/2 hours. Saw Judy at school but did not have time to talk to her [[/strikethrough]]

February 28 - 1871--Yellowstone National Park established
1877--London University decided to grant degrees to women.
1880--St. Gothard Tunnel through the Alps completed.

February 29 - 1836--Seminoles attacked U. S. troops in Florida.
1852--John Landseer, father of Sir Edwin Henry Landseer, English painter, died.
1920--Siege of Fiume, held by D'Annunzio, begun by Italy. [[/page 1]]

[[page 2]]
[[preprinted]] March 1 [[/preprinted]]
Good day all day, Robert and I went to school. I started clearing on the piece of land that I am going to work this year.  Saw Judy at school but did not get chance to talk to her. Worked 1 1/2 hours clearing in afternoon. Called Judy up at night.

[[preprinted]] March 2 [[/preprinted]]
Windy day all day. Nobody came all day. Norise worked clearing on my piece of land all day. daddy and Robert went down on other place. I made axe handle. called Judy up at night. cold and windy.

March 1 - 1845--President Tyler signed bill to annex Texas.
1867--Nebraska admitted to the Union.
1897--Japan adopted the gold standard for her monetary system.

March 2 - 1836--Texas declared herself independent of Mexico.
1864--U. S. Grant made Lieut.-General, highest army rank.
1896--Italian forces severely defeated in Ethiopia. [[/preprinted]] [[/page 2]]