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[[preprinted]] March 3 [[/preprinted]]

Good day all day. Warmer than usual. Daddy and morris [[??]] spread manure out of stable all day, saw Judy at school. went to mill and got some lumber. Went to U. of Maryland at night to a basketball game, St Johns & Machinely [[??]] Tech. St Johns lost. got home 11:30 P.M.

[[preprinted]] March 4 [[/preprinted]]
Good day all day. We baled hay all day, Jack, Joe, morris, Jim, Robert and I. Louis Lecture [[??]] and boy cam e to see daddy. called Judy up at night. she was trimming trees. Burnt some of my field off at night. got to bed 11:00

March 3 - 1845--Florida admitted to the Union.
1849--U.S. Dept of Interior created.
1891--Congress passed first U. S. International copyright law.

March 4 - 1791--Vermont admitted to the Union.
1797--John Adams inaugurated as 2nd U. S. President; this date Inauguration Day thereafter until 1937.
1913--U. S. Dept. of Labor bill approved by President Taft. [[/preprinted]] [[/page 1]]

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[[preprinted]] March 5 [[/preprinted]]
nice clear sunny day all day. Mary and Robert went to church. nobody came all day. fixed manure spreader up and put stake loops on trailer. did a little clearing on my piece of land. Robert, Mary and I went to see "12: oclock high" at Waldorf.

[[preprinted]] March 6 [[/preprinted]]
Good warm and sunny day all day. Robert and I went to school, norise clearing on my piece of land. nobody came all day, plowed land by house when I came home from school, finished burning my piece of land off at night. got to bed quarter of 11:oclock

March 5 - 1770--The Boston Massacre spilled first blood in revolt at the American colonies against England.
1868--Senate convened as impeachment court to try President Johnson.
1872--Westinghouse granted patent for the air brake.

march 6 - 1836--American defenders of Alamo killed by Mexicans.
1857--U. S. Supreme Court handed down Dred Scott Decision, holding that a salve was not a citizen.
1912--Italian army first used dirigible balloons in warfare. [[/preprinted]] [[/page 2]]