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[[preprinted]] March 11 [[/preprinted]]
fair day most of the day baled hay in the morning. Mr Panusbury came. Started raining at dinner time and rained all afternoon. We carried 2 ton of hay to Miss Hobbs at Seaplesant Md in afternoon covered it over with canvas to keys from getting wet, called Judy up but she was sick in bed and couldn't get out.

[[preprinted]] March 12 [[/preprinted]]
Good day all day
Robert, Mary + I went to church. Went over on other place and collected rent. Ann Grace Uncle Milton, Bourne, Willie Anne, were over for day called Judy up at night. Mr Smith the man who bought land next to us were her etoday to see daddy about plowing some land fo rhim. had nice looking dauter with him but is young Mary + Robert + I to movies at night. and Baby make three.
[[preprinted]] 1939--Cardinal Pacelli crowned Pope Pius XII. [[/preprinted]] [[/page 1]]

[[page 2]]
[[preprinted]] March 13 [[/preprinted]]
Rainy day all day. Robert and I went to school. nobody came all day. movies and Joe stripped tobacco al lday. many went to work in Washington as usua. I called Judy up at night. She has dancing lessons tonight, did homework, got to bed 10:30 P.M.

[[preprinted]] March 14 [[/preprinted]]
Good day all day.
men stripped tobacco all day. saw Judy at school today. man from Md [[?]] Growers to see daddy about pickup baler he is suppose to get, th eprice is 2292.00, two men came for hay today. Called Barbara N. up at night and ask about going to party tomorrow night.

March 13 1493--Columbus reached Spain to report the discovery of America.
1781--Herschel discovered the planet Uranus.
1884--Standard time adopted in the U.S.
1930--Pluto, 9th planet, discovered at Lowell Observatory, Arizona.

March 14 - 1794--Eli Whitney granted patent for the cotton gin.
1898--Liquid air apparatus demonstrated in London. [[/preprinted]] [[/page 2]]