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Saturday fair day all day got my tobacco land before dinner and worked off some of it. marked off the other after dinner but got wet during it, went up to Bob's at night, went to st. Mary's to get crabs Benny Wilkerson came to see daddy.

Sunday, Good day all day, Robert, Paddy & I went over to [[?]] to get some strawberries, Aunt Lucy & Uncle Charlie came down for the day, I called [[?]] up at [[?]], [[?]] she could not go out tonight. Bob [[?]] and I went to movies at Waldorf, fixed tobacco planter for Benny Wilkerson, I hope Judy still loves [[?]].

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Monday, good day all day. Robert & I went to school 1/2 a day and planted tobacco the other half. [[?]] planted up to now 25,000 hills, This Aggie came and also the [[?]]] man, drew tobacco plants before school, called Judy up at night, Jim and Mary to dance, started plowing drum by Uncle Him's house at night.

Tuesday good day all day Robert and I stayed home. I [[?]] corn all day and up until 9 oclock at night. Went up to Bob [[?]] at night. Called Judy up at night hot all day, up to 85^o. Mary to work as usual. planted tobacco in morning. got to bed 11 oclock.