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[[preprinted]] September 7[[/preprinted]]
Good day all day. we cut tobacco all day. Many to work as usual. To Brandywine to get gas & to see aboout daddys car. I  [[?]] Robert up & I rents and did not get back until 10:30 we went back & got Robert early & get we a new Battery $13,21 

[[preprinted]] September 8[[/preprinted]]
Good day all day. cut tobacco all day finished cutting all but 10,000 hills. I went up to frank Wands to ge car checked over. Daddy down on other place & got car from garage. My [[?]] got 1/2 tm of straw $10.00 Started cutting corn. called Admia Mae why &  met up to see her at night.

September 7-1522--First circumnavigation of the earth completed.
1863--Confederates made a stand on Lookout Mountain.
1917--German airplanes bombed on British coast.

September 8-1636--Harvard College founded at Cambridge, Mass.
1900--Galveston, Texas, swept by tidal wave; 8000 drowned.
1934--Steamship "Morro Castle" burned;115 lives lost.

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[[preprinted]] September 9[[/preprinted]]
Saturday Raining hard all day. Stored [[?]] tobacco 1/2 a day. Then went to 86 Marys to get crabs & oysters. bought new massic [[guess?]] spreading (massic Harris) $275.00. [[?]] got stuck & Robert took tractor & pull him out to get tractor hemmed up to frame all 4 wheels Down. Stayed but ill 12 oclock trying to get it out but didn't. Raining hard all the time

[[preprinted]] September 10[[/preprinted]] Nasty raining [[?]] all day. Many & church. Aunty & uncle Charlie for the day. Nelson Billingsley helped me get tractor  out. had to jack it up out & used, from 8:30 till 2 oclock getting it out. Kent Rahigo. called Admia Mae up in afternoon. up to see Admia Mae at night till 10 oclock partly near all wads flooded from heavy rain. cais off of hood. is ditches & banks[[guess?]]. water knee. deep in a lot of places.
September 9-1776--The name "United States" first used by Congress.
1850--California admitted to the union.
1880--Garibaldi became dictator of the Two Sicilies.
1919--Police strike in Boston, Mass.

September 10-1813--Battle of Lake Erie won by Perry, who said: "we have met the enemy and they are ours."
1846--Sewing machine patented by Elias Howe.
1921--Mexico began celebration of denial of independence. 
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