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Saturday fair day all day. Men did not work. I took truck down to Md Job Growers to get brakes fixed. Went to Butterworth farm to see about getting papers for the ca[[?]]es we got a wreck at T-B woman run in old warehouse & Dysons car. Daddy & I to St. Marys. got home 7 oclock,

Sunday good day all day but awful dark, Mary Robert & I to church in morning, I went up to see Adina Mae at 12:30 dinnertime & stayed till 7 oclock. Kent Rolings & Robert in town to movie. Mary & I to Waldorf to movies got home 10:30 oclock. "The Black Rose" good.

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September 23 - 1779 - Capt. Paul Jones defeated the British on the sea. 
1845 - Earliest baseball club in America founded in N.Y.
1909 - Gunnison Tunnel in Colorado opened. 
September 24 - 1664 - British and Iroquois Indians met at Albany. 
1869 - "Black Friday" in N.Y. caused by financial panic. 
1910 - Zulu Sultan visited New York City.
Monday fair day all day, but the sun was out but was not giving off any light or heat, just a white ball. 1/2 a day school because of no heat. I saw Adina Mae at school & called her up when I went after Mary. The men & Robert & I cut corn, carried 1 ton of hay to John Bond. 500 lbs to Tayman.

Tuesday, fair day all day. Robert & I to school, Mother & Daddy to Clyde Badens, Wifes funeral. men cutting corn 1/2 a day. Mary to work as usual. saw Adina Mae at school & went up there at night. got home 10:30 P.M. cold.

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September 25 - 1777 - British captured Ethan Allen near Montreal. 
1918 - U.S. artillery bombarded Metz. 
1943 - Russians recaptured Smolensk. 

September 26 - 1780 - Benedict Arnold fled to the British ship "Vulture."
1898 - Supposed remains of Columbus exhumed at Havana, Cuba, to be shipped to Spain. 
1918 - U.S. and French defeated Germans in Argonne.