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Thursday good day all day, [[?]] seeded my wheat. Have finished seeding wheat, seeded 82 [[bu?]], Joe shucking corn. Robert & I to school 1/2 a day then give other 1/2 off and tomorrow off. I called Adnia Mae up at night & was down to Buddy Cooks for a while.

Friday good day all day. put loader on tractor & started filling up [[?]] & the tractor turned over with me. Mom shucking corn all day. Mrs [[Snall?]] got 4 [[bu or for?]] wheat. Another man got 5 [[bur or fur?]]. Mr Swanson got 1 [[bu?]]. up to Adnia Mae at night her and I kissed goodnight got home 11:oclock.
November 2-1865-U.S. celebrated peace in national thanksgiving.
           1889-North and South Dakota admitted to the Union.
           1920-First radio broadcast using the human voice.

November 3-1500-Cellini, Italian sculptor, born.
           1794-William Cullen Bryant born in Massachusetts.
           1938-Insurgent planes bombed Madrid, Spain.

Saturday fair day all day. Mom [[stripping?]] tobacco, I scooping dirt in front of old barn and loading gravel. Mother to supper at St Thomas. [[Teddy?]] [[?]] came and got 1/2 ton of straw. I to Waldorf in afternoon to get hair cut. Called Adnia Mae up from Waldorf. did not go anywhere at night.

Sunday good day all day. Mary, Robert and I to church. Called Adnia Mae up at dinnertime and went up to see her at night. Kissed her goodnight carried Mary down to see Mr and Mrs [[Conner?]] on the morning after church. drained water out of [[Baler?]] and tractor and truck and cars, cold!

November 4-1881-Denver became the capital of Colorado.
           1890-Subway for electric trains opened in London.
           1895-Eugene Field, journalist-poet, died.

November 5-1813-U.S. troops attempted to take Montreal.
           1903-U.S. recognized independence of Panama.
           1914-Great Britain annexed island of Cyprus.
           1940-President F. D. Roosevelt reeleceted to serve a third term.