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Friday good day all day Robert and I to [[orchard?]]. [[Mom?]] shucked corn all day. [[?]] [[by?]] to see daddy again. daddy to [[?]]. got hunting licence [[$1.25?]] Mary got [[?]] of [[Calm?]] film for me $1.79 called [[?]] [[?]] up when I went after Mary. Robert coon hunting. saw [[?]] [[?]] at school. caught one coon and one [[posson?]]
Saturday good day all day. Mom shucked corn 1/2 a day. [[?]] [[Hopkins?]] to see daddy. Nelson [[Billingsly?]] bought 2 acres of land from daddy on [[then?]] Chain Highway. Robert [[fee?]] to Dr [[Badens?]] to get teeth fixed. called [[?]] [[?]] up in afternoon and went up to see her at night. Kissed her goodnight. got pictures she [[took?]] for me.
November 10-1775-U.S. Marine Corps established.
            1876-Centennial Exposition in Philadelphia closed.
            1885-Pan-American Exposition in New Orleans opened.

November 11-1778-Indian massacre at Cherry Valley, N.Y.
            1889-Washington admitted to the Union.
            1918-Armistice ended World War hostilities; since observed as ARMISTICE DAY.
            1938-"Typhoid Mary" died in N.Y.

Sunday good day all day. Mother up [[?]] Aunt Maggie to see [[?]] Gennie. gone all day. I had to cook dinner and supper. had coon for dinner. Mary to church. Daddy down on [[?]] place. I up to see [[?]] [[?]] in afternoon and kissed her goodnight. Mary, Robert and I to movies at [[?]]. took color pictures of her and me.
Monday good day all day. Robert and I to school. [[saw?]] [[?]] [[?]] at school and called her up at night. carried Robert [[?]] 1 ton of hay. have to carry Mary down to [[?]] [[state?]] to get ride to Washington [[?]] This [[week?]] did not go anywhere at night. Robert coon hunting

November 12-1688-Books sold at auction for first time in Scotland.
            1885-Fire in Galveston, Texas; $4,000,000 damage.
            1915-U.S. established protectorate over Haiti.

November 13-1850-Robert Louis Stevenson born in Scotland.
            1864-General Sherman began his march to the sea.
            1927-Holland Tunnel for vehicular traffic under the Hudson River opened between N.Y. and N.J.