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Saturday good day all day. Bob was here in morning and got feed ground [[?]]. He owe me $38.90 for wheat. Mr Eainshaw [[?]] wants 1 1/2 tons hay and 1 Ton straw in afternoon, carried hay and straw to mablero [[?]] for Eainshaw [[?]]. Me hunting down to Robyn. Rest of them to bupper at St Parlo [[Entire sentence?]]. went up to see Adnia Mae at night and kissed her goodnight. Got home 10:30

Sunday. Good day all day. Ellise here for hay. Henry Robinson here and told Aunt Neta [[?]] had died. all of us to church at st James. Then own to aunt Helen and Uncle Jim to dinner got home 5 o'clock. collect Adnia [[?]] Mae up at night. did homework and went to bed. cold wind.

[[Journal Footnotes]]
November 18 - 1852 - Duke of Wellington's funeral in London.
1889 - Brazil became the "United States of Brazil."
1918 - U.S. troops crossed the Belgian frontier.

November 19 - 1796 - Catherine the Great, of Russia, died.
1863 - Lincoln made his Gettysburg address.
1918 - London "Daily Mail" offered $50,000 prize to anyone flying the Atlantic.

Monday good day all day but awful windy. Robert and I to school. Mary [[?]] to work as usual. Nomise [[?]] was one only who worked. saw Adnia Mae at school and went up to see her at night. had good time and kissed her goodnight and got home 10:30. 

Tuesday. fair day all day. Robert to school. I [[was?]] [[Paul hammer?]] for Aunt [[Neta?]] Robinson.  carried load of [[helocks?]] down to [[Pomonsky?]] for Mr. [[Rhias?]] and got back 5 oclock, stayed with Adnia Mae for a while.  But Kent and I down to Waldorf at night playing pool.  got home 10:30