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[[first page]]

November 22
Wednesday. good day all
day. Robert and I [[?]] school
[[?]] [[?]] [[?]] at
school and went up to see 
her at night. Patty was
there also. I got home 11:30
Men shucking corn and 
cutting wood. Carried 
1 ton of hay to [[?]]
[[?]] in afternoon.

November 23
Thursday. Nice day all day.
No more school this week. 
[[?]] mood 1/2 a day. 
Uncle Charley and Aunt Lucy and
Nancy Robinson was here for
the day. had turkey for 
dinner. Called [[Adina?]] Mae 
[[?]] in afternoon also talked
to patty. did not go anywhere
at night. did homework.

November 22-1848-Costa Rice became an independent republic.
            1918-U.S. Army Occupation crossed the Rhine.
            1935-The "China Clipper" transport plane started its first scheduled flight to the Orient. 

November 23-1832-Locomotives publicly tested in Philadelphia. 
            1870-Bavaria joined the North German Confederation. 
            1912-Albania declared independent of Turkey.

[[second page]]
November 24
Friday Good day all day.
Men shucked corn
all day. Daddy, Robert and
I went down to other place
hunting. raining hard
at night. I went up to
see [[Adina?]] Mae at night
and got home 11:30 also
went to Waldorf at 
night. [[?]] her goodnight.

November 25
Saturday bad day all day. 
Daddy and I to doctors at
morning. He and Robert to [[?]]
for rest of the day. [[got?]] 
all cattle up. Men [[stringed?]]
tobacco. [[?]] [[?]] 
all day and night. Called
[[Adina?]] Mae up in afternoon
and did not go anywhere
at night. cold, 4" snow.

November 24-1829-Custom of celebratingthe last Thursday in November as
                 THANKSGIVING begun in New England.
            1863-First day Battle of Chattanooga.
            1920-Conscientious objectors taken into custody during the
                 World War all released in the U.S.

November 25-1748-Isaac Watts, writer of hymns, died. 
            1783-Washington made public entry into N.Y.
            1863-"Molly Maguires," a secret society of Irishmen, active in
                 Pennsylvania coal region.