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[[printed]] DECEMBER 24

Sunday good day all day. I went to [[Waldref?]] in morning & got [[Bit?]] of candy for [[Ayuna Mae?]]. Put Window 

[[printed]] DECEMBER 25

Monday good day all day. We all went to church. Aunt Lucy & [[Vive Chudey?]] & [[Henny?]] came for Christmas dinner. [[??]] gave Mary an engraved ring for a Christmas present. Called [[Admia Mae?]] up at night & wnet up tp see her for a little while.

[[printed]] December 24 - 1784 - Methodist Episcopal Church organized in the U.S. 
1815 - Treaty of Ghent signed, ending the War of 1812
1851 - Fire destroyed 35,000 volumes in the Library of Congress

[[printed]] December 25 - CHRISTMAS DAY.
1776 - Washington crossed the Delaware.
1865 - Union stockyards opened at Chicago

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[[printed]] DECEMBER 26

Tuesday good day all day [[???]] in folder in the [[??]]. [[??]] shucked 4 ballers of corn for me, paid him 300 c a ball. He owed me $200 . Mr & Mrs [[???]] & Adnia Maye up here in afternoon. Went walking with her & had good time. 

[[printed]] DECEMBER 27

Wednesday good day all day. Daddy Robert & I to [[???]] in morning to see about land for Billigsely. Went to Havevill in afternoon to R.E.A. to get contract & then to [[??]] up to see Adnia Mae [[?]] at night and got home 10:30 [[??]]

[[printed]] December 26 - 1805 - Venice annexed to the kingdom of Ital.
1817 - General Jackson sent out against Creek and Seminole Indians. 
1831 - Stephen Girard, eminent philanthropist, died.

[[printed]] December 27 - 1834 - Charles Lamb, English essayist, died.
1882 - House of Hapsburg's 600th anniversary celebrated. 
1892 - Cornerstone of the Cathedral of St. John the Devine laid in New York. 

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Transcription Notes:
Dec 24 Ayuna Mae has been written as Admia Mae by previous transcriber