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[[top left margin]] PS 
We are having a snow storm it bids fair to be a big one, very cold 20ยบ this morning. Old sour [[?]] may throw this out we are baiting him with a present of 50 her idea.
Ma [[/top left margin]]

Houghton December 29th 1935
Dear Folks 
We are keeping up with zero weather for the last week. The wind went down with the sun last night, so it does not seem quite as bad, we are warm with oil & a good hot fire in the kitchen range, but every time we venture out, we realize we are in the midst of a freezing weather. Open nights such weather & when I come down in the morning its warm as toast with a good fire in the kitchen store. I just make it down and put on more coal. this winter I don't dump my fire every morning & find it less work & not as expensive no sifting of ashes out in the cold & slippery steps outside & it is just as good a fire to bake with so we are delighted. 
Bill came one yester afternoon to set my glass that fell out & paid for the glass. he did the work for nothing, he found the whole window the putty was no good so he got some more putty & went over the rest of the panes. he says the other windows are all the same, he says he will come over & fix them for nothing. days he does not work at his trade. he is a bang up carpenter. & never out of work

Transcription Notes:
- several grammatical errors in the original letter, and I left brackets for areas of possible misinterpretation Fixed up the word "trade" at bottom.