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only Saturdays. we had him stay to supper & he says that he may come tonight. He was a good neighbor to her always over in Holbrook & think. a good deal of coming over here to see us Mr Harrington came last night with a New years card. he likes to come also. Poor man we pity him. my room looks so pretty I often wake at night to put on the light to see it. she thinks there are just enough pictures to make it look well. I gave Lena her picture to carry home & put fathers out at the top of the front stairs where Sam Austins picture hung. we like it better there. I put the linnen cloth you sent over the couch in the parlor & am covering the pillows with the creton that was on that couch; Mrs. Barry sings a solo in church today Frank called & took her down to church. the thermometer now just noon is just 20° the paper says snow. we have had very little so far thank god but plenty of time yet, they are having it hard all around us. I believe its going to be a hard winter. it is clouding up now with a snowy feeling atmosphere. Ralph may come with Maude tonight to bring my pictures that dropped out in my bag in the car every body is so good to me they wait on me & seem to like it. we have lots of fun she is so jolly. every body is in love with her. they want her for her cheery disposition. there was a fire down to Arthur Dylan and all the fire apperatus came up our street & landed out front of our house the street was lined with cars & people & such a noise & yelling about 10 in the evening, do you know I had just gone to sleep + did'nt hear a thing thank God. Mrs Barry said she never heard such a noise. did you ever? -Ma