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Stoughton Dec 23rd 1935

Dear Folks
We have had two very cold days with the thermometer down below zero. this morning it is gradually going up, with a promis of snow tonight. we have kept warm. through it all it has been very clear & sunny. Mrs Barry went to church yesterday early to practice her piece she is to sing xmas eve her organist came here to drill her (Frank Reynolds) but his girl Norma a little fool in her teens, was chosen by him to sing a solo unbeknown to Mrs B, so after she found she was not up to it. backed out, they gave it to Mrs B to sing. they had not told her about it, so she had to practice it before church & the little fool began to sing with her (a solo). Which made her mad, so she gave her a poke with her ello & told her to sit down. they the rest of the singers are disgusted with her, she is making love to him before them all. he is soft and likes it. he must be twice her age. she is stuffy with hate in her eyes when Mrs B tell her where she gets off so he resents it also but she dont care any thing about singing & tells them so but the church people are begging her to sing

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