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sisters child. he thinks the world of him. I am sending a small box to day you better open it, it is a birthday gift I made one also for Maude and going to give Ralph a scarf that was Pa's it looks new since it was washed and ironed while it was damp. I am not buying anything they are all home made presents so far. I am giving Lena a tattin trimmed handkerchief and a picture taken up at the old place both Mr and Mrs Harrington handkerchiefs hers with tattin. And Marnie Kate the same. they were very good to me they take us any where we want to go. Lena saw the room after it was fixed up she liked it very much. I have put down some braided rugs but not all of them look fine, two rugs left for you in the box. yesterday I put up the pictures Lena took home hers and was glad of it not as many I have up & not showing the string. Shuslers & another have been omitted. the bank foreclosed on the house below and Sly a man Ralph told he had moved in. he went down to see if the water had been turned off in the lower tenement. We have got rid of the Pocewich family at last. Edward has been staying at Melvin Leonards so Louie says. he dont think him as bad as he is represented. Harold Rhodes he says is drunk most of all the time he thinks now Pete will send him to Bridgewater Lawrence has made a very pretty wreath for us for the door Mrs Barry is going to fasten it on for Xmas. he bought the gift cones & red cherries in the wreath and green hemlock he is a good hearted servant & never forgets his place she gives him money a dollar once in a while.


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Always use the & instead of "and" if the & is written on the page.