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Stoughton December 8th 1935

Dear Folks

We are enjoying milder weather but cloudy. today I am alone, she went to church this noon (Episcopal begins at eleven O'clock.) I seem to be the topic of conversation when she gets out among her friends, even the minister & wife inquire after me. she told Mr. Marshal to day that I was a christian but was not aware of it. he laughed but said nothing. this afternoon she has gone to the moving pictures. Just as I got down stairs this morning 42 rung in soon the fire truck rolled up the fire proved to be in Carara's chimney just below us. glad it was no worse. there are so many fires, the papers are full of such its very scary. I have washed but my clothes are not dry. the porch will be handy to hang them on after it gets later. my nightie will dry so I can wear it tonight (over the top of the stove.) I was glad to know your arm was better. Percy said tell Aunt Lou Alice is very much better, no pain he was to church Mrs Barry said he always sings in the quire [[choir]] he is very loyal to church. Mrs Bruce called up to ask me if they could put their car in our shed to the old place for a fortnight I will see, Mrs B & I talked it over together