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Stoughton December 5th 1935

Dear Folks
Pleasant & growing cold, windows at three O'clock are frosting. the weather predictions are for tonight, coldest of the season. the wind is coming up & its growing cold. I have just been preparing my kitchen fire for a cold wave. we dont feel it until the sun goes down. 

I am here alone she has gone with the gang to some place she did not know where, to take her dinner, they play bridge afterwards & get home around six. they have a great feed Phoeby Hill is entertaining this time. they always want Blanch, she is the life of the party. Joe Capens wife called to see her the other night. they are not going down to Florida this winter. she prefers to stay at home. Soper put on their storm windows.

I got Harring to take me down town yesterday to do my errands. he is a good accommodating man & she the same. he goes down every day he wanted to take me to Morts house so I could see the painted picture of me, he has just done, but it was cold so I said wait & take Mrs Barry sometime she would enjoy to