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going to throw away. after she went to movies I got the meat & chopped it up & added apple to it & spice & cooked it an hour or more and put it into glass jars. then she was no wiser to the job. she pronounced it fine. when it was opened for thanksgiving pies she added brandy which she said always made it better. I have got the second jar now saved for xmas. She said tell Doris we had a very pleasant time & were not lonesome a mite although the day was stormy. She is going over to have her hair treated shampooed tomorrow in Holbrook. Careta will take her over & Bill is to bring her home it takes three hours. Bill was here Wednesday night he is the most faithful one of all she say I go off to bed at nine & leave them talking a blue stream old neighbors, she says he likes me. I always shake hands at leaving them, I hope you open the box there may be things there you would like to give away for some friends for xmas I did not do them up any of them for that reason now I feel worried about your arm & shoulder am afraid you are constantly irritating in doing heavy work you will have to be careful by letting your work go now do give it rest.

Transcription Notes:
Edited spelling of several words.