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Stoughton November 18th '35
Dear Folks
I did not get the letter written yesterday so I will scribble it off today. we had it good all day & all night, it blew a gale & poured buckets. we had enough rain to make up for the drough of summer & fall. it is still at it this morning but not as severe. clearing weather is propheside on the radio. which we had to turn off last night on account of lightning, a very sharp streak, but only one thank God. I was alone all day Mrs. Barry went to church, they in the afternoon she went to the movies buy got a ride home, she is lucky to get rides, every body is good to her. I was busy, so did not feel lonesome. but it was terrible weather out side. a week of dull weather is still booked for today by the radio. gales and cold North West winds will prevail with colder NW wind lots of deaths are reported by land & sea. I hope you are escaping it. the river is not over the sea wall. I called up Lottie yesterday she said her