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I had to call up Elmer Lothro for to see my heater. he is fixing the door. as he says its not safe only fastened by a wire liable to set the house on fire. my heater kept going off. he said they cleaned it out that was all. he is here to night fixing it so it will go. we are sitting in the kitchen by the fire, keeping warm. I never felt that door was safe, liable to drop anytime. there's always something to worry over hard in ones old age to carry on if one has never had such care during their life. guess I can manage somehow. Ella feels the same. Amos attended to things same as Pa always. Ma

Stoughton Nov 14th 1935
Clear at last & much cooler, have just been out to pick my chrysanthemums for with this North West wind, they may freeze before morning.  Mrs Harrington came this afternoon while I was alone & I had her pick a bunch to take home she made me take three more pictures & Soper brought them Tuesday he is to bring me three more for her & she wants me to sign my name to them she is going to give them away to some one she knows Christian Science people. I guess one is Sybil Wilbur. if we can sell the old place to some of that cult, she will be only to glad to do so.  Mort Lamb is going to paint one for his part in the program. I am going to fill a box to send down with different things soon, you are to take out the things, those bags I made list winter & one thing & another to help you with your presents you have to give. I dont want you to think of sending so much now remember its time & money thrown away. the last two boxes full, remain upstairs unpacked in the closets. I dont feel the xmas spirit since my home was broken up.  I am just staying around nothing else. I am sending the pictures for you to keep. the one Mort likes best and is to paint is the up

Transcription Notes:
Use &, not +. "Soper" is the last name of the man referred to. Found on Censuses in Stoughton, MA.