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have had plenty of apples northeurn spyes eat lots of apple sauce.

stairs one, side view, stooping shoulders, at the desk. we like that one at the desk looking in an indifferent way with a book in my hands. Mrs Harrington is a lovely woman and very generous she is very anxious to sell her place but is in love with every part of the house. they want to get back in town, his folks are old they are going to take care of them & she is to have her old job in Boston. since her boy came, she dont leave him to the care of hired help. he is a good little kid & been well brought up. that box you may expect most any time. the worst thing will be to get it down town. I shall have to watch my chances. Careta may take it some time when she carts Mrs Barry around. the bed quilt is finished so I am going to send it as you may need it before the winter is gone. its your old one made over. I hope it suits. I put in some more cotton & left in the old lining as you said you had washed it. so if perchance the lining should wear through it would be still there & stronger. I called up the Colcords she said the old man was no better. he could not speak. his condition no better. he had a sore on his foot the doctor was attending to. she said Gregory would put on my outside  windows. I dont care to have my room disturbed this winter. good of you to think of it though. snow on the roof then ice would send in water & spoil paper the same as it did last winter, so we feel that its better as it is at present she & I say its all right as it is. 
