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& one who stands bossing around pretty well by her. I like her much better than Myrtie, she is to be trusted & never runs people. while the sister is dangerous. she hates Mrs Barry but guess fears her well she might. she would wind her up short & sharp if she had occasion to. While I was up stairs changing my shoes & stockins some one knocked on the front door, on coming down stairs who should it be but Lottie Crane & Charlotte I  was greatly surprised. they said Denton brought them up on his way to work he milks cows for some one in Braintree. those boys have to work & feel lucky to get work. I guess the mother works when she can get it she is a good housekeeper. they have hard scratching & Lottie stands up under the strain pretty well. a pity Ellis died & left them to carry on alone. its just rained quite a shower has gone around us, we got the rain & left us cooler, it may clear up this muggy feeling temperature that has been hanging around so long. I wear Mrs Barrys brown hat & she wears my brown coat. I am looking for her home soon now. I received a card from Lena she seems to be having a good time. hope she has given up her notion of buying a house up there. should think her resources by now would have run low. a great pity Mrs Andrews had not left the two girls some of her vast wealth. it never is right to depend on such things, as we are apt to get left. I heard President Roosevelts speech last night, it was well delivered but as Mrs Barry says "he did'nt say anything." they did a good deal of cheering.