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thinking if it might be something serious, but he was looking bad & seemed in a terrible condition & she worn out from taking care of him & running things so long. why do folks live to wear other people out? too bad it has to be so hope I dont linger but never can tell.

Mrs Griffin was looking well & said Edna had a fine job working for the wellfare & also had a gentleman friend & that Effie was not so well guess it was as much her age as anything she did not mention a growth as I have heard she had from Estelle Perkins. Mrs Lambert was looking fine I never saw her look so dressed up & with so rich a set of finery on she says that Georgie comes over once a week after her. some of them are mighty generous to dress her so well. she speaks well of Georgies having faculty to make things, the father had faculty, but no principle he shot himself in bed you remember.
This morning I have cleaned out the store & made up my fire it is cooler but muggy looks like rain & hope it does. we dont seem to get rain so guess we are in for another dried up summer out west they get too much nothing goes as it should these times. I am waiting now to get the news & weather reports they come on at eight O'clock. Careta called last night she brought her little dog. he is very cute. we are having fires for want of rain hope it comes soon. Lena came up Sunday night & I gave her flowers snowballs & Iris she went up stairs to see the chair I upholstered & my pieces Mrs Harrington gave me Ma