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[[top margin]] PS Pleasant this morning and warmer. everything is coming on fine. birds are busy. bluejay is again building in the Pine tree I think. my chrysanthemums are all coming out by the little building, & now kept things warm through the cold winter all bubs [[bulbs]] lived & are doing fine this spring I will stick this letter in now for the postman will be here any time now
Ma [[/top margin]]

Stoughton May 4th, 1936

Dear Doris
After three days of extreme heat, we had thunder showers all yesterday afternoon. so to day the weather is decidedly different with the wind in the North West & stormy. In spite of the storm she went to moving pictures & may bring up down to Mamie Kates. I hope she does. For then she may get me some rags for my mat. I have started on a braided rug. Well Maude & the baby came to see us yesterday Albert Geles brought them up Henry & wife went to moving pictures & Maude got Evelyn to take her down to her house & then up here she says she likes to come here & wanted us to see little Bobbie. he certainly is a darling child without any out. I am afraid he will never live to grow up. certainly a little comfort to Maude & was to Ralph as long as he lived. he adored him. she has a young man 17 years old there cleaning up her place. some one who has worked for Henry I guess he stays there some nights & they get him cheap. she looks bad & dont know what to do. left in that big house & no money to run it with. I think she ought to have sold it when she had the chance. it seems she got one of my old pictures of Soper & sent it to Myra Kins daughter. the idea. she said she was much pleased with it. I was not aware she knew me well enough to care for it. cannot believe she did it was the one