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she could not have got into better quarters & guess she will stick. I dont think many can tolerate her & her notions, too bad she is so crazy if anyone was. hope you dont feel tired out with such a long trip & guess the cat will be glad to see you poor thing. Mrs Barry is reading & has the radio on for amusement. I have been out taking the air, raking a little in the back yard making things tidy here & there & sleeping, so passing away a dull day as best I can. There is a great deal of talk about Irma Wyland around town, that tall girl living there & she making love. I for one dont see any harm, but people in a small town have to talk or they cannot live long. even Soper told us about their lolygaging. he was the only one who told us when she first arrived. it seems Jonnie swore she should not come there to live but Irma said she ran the house and that she was coming so here she is. Irma stays right at home, when before she used to go in town & would come home in the small house alone, every night & Jack was worried to death untill she got home safe, so they are more content Soper says. Soper & Irma dont have anything in common he takes care of Jack & is there all the evening till eleven or twelve O'clock to undress him & then dresses him in the morning as he is pretty helpless. he is tamed down to what he used to be but guess he is bad enough now. I never see him although he used to walk downtown in the summer. Soper takes him to ride some but he has'nt the car on the road this winter yet. he is coming up soon as he gets time he is up to Maudes working a great deal before & since Ralphs sickness. I am anxious to hear what he says about them they liked him very well I think.