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Did you see my letter I wrote with the check in it, sent so you might get it on your arrival. you had not mentioned it in your return notes Ma 
We are having our first thunder storm. everything is soaking wet. My Easter lilly has 5 blossoms & two buds. smells very fragrant. hope you are rested up. [[/top margin]] 

Stoughton April 16th 1936

Dear Folks.
Will write a few lines this morning as I have noting to say just now, to let you know. I received your card saying you arrived home Sunday night. the cat must have been pleased to have seen someone. after her sojourn of a fortnight in the lonesome cellar poor cat. Do you feel rested after such a long journey? hope it was anything but rainy while you were gone Since April came in it has rained most of the the time & cold weather has prevailed. buds have started & everything seems coming ahead fast. in time things will be in bloom & we will get more settled weather I hope for everyone is complaining about this gloomy state of affairs. while Mrs Barry was to the movies yesterday afternoon with Nellie Standish Mrs Longdon called on me and she told me that Mrs Welch was suffering terribly with her feet & they had Mrs Seellars daughter doing the house work now, they cannot keep help on account of him & his crazy notions. if he lives long enough he will go crazy mad. he is growing worse, they pity his poor wife, his house is cluttered with those foolish thing he buys. he wont have her touch a thing only to do do them up.