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Fred Stickney left a good job in Foxborough to see the world & went to North Carolina on an uncertainty. so Mrs Longdon said. he is of a roving disposition she thinks.

Mrs Barry says there is hardly room to walk in the living room for so much rubbish. he is crazy if any one ever was I pity her. his eyes show it I thought the last time I looked at him. My stomac [[stomach]] is all right I never eat pastry, only pudding at noon & very simple food at night & mornings. no one eats any less simply than I do these days no sody there is no need of it. I have gone back to my old remedy rheubarb & find it much better & far cheaper. it agrees better with me & my family. Addy called up to ask if I was willing to let them drive over the driveway with two loads of gravel. a man was to unload on her premises. so to keep peace with them I said yes. a nice house located on a small & narrow lot without any means of driving on (without any driveway) a sad oversight. I hope they dont call me an old crusty, cranky person. "live & let live" is a good rule to follow through life. then when one dies we are thought well of. Clint Britton dead funeral here in the funeral home this afternoon. the last of the family he had lived in Canton since his marriage. I used to go skating on the old Britton Pond with him. Maude gets out quite a bit I hear of her going & her change from one house to the other is some recreation. Anna Lamb said she understands that they sold the cottage house he built on Britton Avenue. probably the house they own she will have to sell as its too large for her to heat she may live with Henry probably. but her home life is broken up for good. no worse than others have to stand.
