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over his losing the job in the factory, too bad. I would enjoy going around town to see places. Uphams shop forinstance. they say it is made into tenement houses. they are saving it in that way, boys were breaking out the windows. I wonder who will come to live in James Ansels house. Rubie will go to live in the house near her husbands business when she marries Evans. lots of changes are being made in town. Estelle Mahoney died Friday. she was insane then lost her mind entirely, & had two nurses. it was a mercy she was taken. her sister could not have got much money. it must have been used up fast. the last sickness cost a lot. there is still lots of snow left, but it will go if this sun continues the moon was nice & bright. I was alone in the evening but was not lonesome as she came home early. a beautiful evening & warm. I am glad you are having more seasonable weather. we are all sick of winter & snow storms. Myrtie I guess was glad to come down from Vermont. she was staying with Eleanor. I wonder what kind of home she has. the poor girl never had half a chance. a terrible childhood. Abbie was her only friend, it was a wonder she turned out half as well as she did with her mothers folks all against her. Mrs Barry has just started to go and see cousin. such a beautiful day she will probably go somewhere for a ride. next month Careta puts her car on the road. has not had it all winter & they have missed it terribly. well guess I will change my dress Lena may come later on Ma

Transcription Notes:
Moved first partial word "aged" to previous page to make complete word per transcription guidelines