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[[top margin]]Stoughton March 7th 1933[[/top margin]]

Dear Doris
Another storm a brewing it has been clouding up all day. it seems good though to have it a little bit warmer. I have just got my quilt ready to tie. & am wondering where its best to do it as the front room is cool to sit in long & Pa is so fussy over turning the heat on. it works on ones nerves to have to hear him grumble. but never mind I shall manage some way as usual. The babies picture came today. the expression seems very natural. how many times did she sit for it? at her age they say it is hard to get them. they dont keep still long enough. but she has been taken so many times the child has got accustomed to posing. she has an expression on her face as if she were very much interested in what is going on. well Lonny Thompson has not got out of the hospital yet. they operated on him but he had a bad hemorrhage & they transfused blood into him so they think he is improved, but you can never tell ones condition after they get into a hospital; they tell you just what they think will passify [[pacify]] regardless of any truth. he has such a bad heart they cannot experiment too much & then he is 80 years old what can they