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expect he wants to die, so I guess when he sees his bill, if he lives to see it, he will wish he had. Pa got worked up after reading his paper last night about where some bankes were closing during the new Administration. I guess you have read about it there I suppose people are taking out money through fear & they are forced to close on account of it. well these are hard times. no one ever saw such depression before. people are realizing it especially in cities. how will it come out? Hoover did the best he knew but Roservelt [[Roosevelt]] is a different propersition. we have yet to see what errors he will fall into. it is a rainy afternoon & I am working a little then read my book a while & then write the letter. I have a few griddle cakes to make for our supper. Pa begins on them before I get them made they are very tempting to him. I butter them & sugar them as I make them. he eats bread with sugar. I find my bowl full of his crumbs where he dips his bread into it & some on the floor. but I dont say anything its the only comfort he takes his eating. 

well theres nothing I can think of any more. Ma