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[[top margin]] PS They have called us up on the phone saying Lena has a bad cold she dont want to give it to me, so not to look for her to come up to night. Mary Holmes just called us up to say she has received a message from Forest to be good to father for Mamie Kate is going to die soon. she is anxious for Blanch to go with her to consult a medium. the first message she ever got from him.  
Ma [[/top margin]]

Stoughton March 1st 1936

Dear Folks

The cloudy day changes & a little sun appears, not very cold 30 [[degrees]] the thermometer registers. Mrs Barry is to church. Bill is coming to night with an icream & told Mrs B to have a cake to eat with it. he fixed our window in the sitting room where he sits, by putting in a copper rod, so it keeps out the cold wind. we are going to get him to fix the water pipe where it leaks under the bowl in the bath room. I think the bolt needs tightening she says he will know, as he puts in bathroom fixtures. he is going to Florida Monday to see to property, he owns a house in Miami, we shall miss him. he is very dependable alway doing for his friends for kindness. & never out of a job in Holbrook has an old father & mother whom he supports, he & his twin brother. our snow is still on if we have a melting spell the going will be terrible I will be glad to see bare ground once more.  

I have got the bed quilt ready to set the top & lining together tomorrow I will be able to knot it. this will be the third one I have done this winter & I dont want to see another one this year. Mrs Barry says its the prettiest one of all she loves it. there is lots of sewing in it. Mrs Harrington is