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the one who has made them and knows how much its worth. no one does them nowadays Careta goes night & day & plays cards I am not going to make one for her, let her stay at home & sew it would do her good. she will be as bad as her mother if she keeps on, the rate she is going now nervous as she can be.

Myrtie is at Mamie Kates begins on the job today hope she satisfies we think she is too loud, as Mamie is too low to have visitors. she knows her & perhaps she may be more quiet, time will tell. it has certainly turned out to be a very pleasant day over head. the Drake girl has just been over to pay her rent. she is very lively & Mrs Barry has been cracking her jokes & kept her laughing all the time. it is now four O'clock. I have got my washing dry which I did not expect as it was cloudy when I hung them out. the paper has it warmer tomorrow. perhaps some of the snow may melt away. only a few pieces we have hung them on the covered porch all winter & dont have to go out on the ground at all. we like to go into the front room that new couch cover makes it look so cheery it is an Indian cover I saw one like it in the paper the other night. very pretty we both like it. it seems so nice to think Ruby had a chance to shut up her house & go to live with Loucille soon she will marry Robert Evans. Helen Belchers husband. hope he is good enough for her. they all say he is doing a good business. Helen before she died wanted him to  marry Ruby, & some call him a good man I hope so she is good  Ma     

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