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Stoughton February 25th 1986

Dear Folks

Ash Wednesday + cloudy but warmer. Mrs Barry is going to church & I will write this letter + have her take it along. Mamie Kate is very bad they dont expect her to live from day to day she is wearing away fast, very bad symptoms. the doctor dont give them any hope but she wants to take holy communion with her cousin, so Marshall is going down if she is able to take it, at 10 O'clock with Mrs B. It seems like a funeral today she has cried most all night + I had but little sleep nervousness. I got up early this morning. Phoeby Hill is going to take her down town as it is slippery going the radio spoke of a robery in Stoughton bank this morning. that is as far as I know, may hear more later on. we dont know when we are safe these times it is dreadful. there are roberies in theaters + they are at large every where crime predominates. Blessid are those who have nothing. 

Lottie [?] called up to tell me that the window in the Blake house up stairs, had dropped